- A quick rant this fine Sunday morning...
- The politico-religious Right believes that lying, cheating and stealing is acceptable in pursuit of a larger goal. And since they have most the gold and thus make the rules...many on the right and (now the left) have joined with them to solidify their power base and rid our nation of the 'Godless liberal influence'.
- But what exactly have they achieved after trading democracy for theocracy, a free press for propaganda and representative government for unbridled power? The answer is that they've achieved what religious fundamentalists everywhere strive to achieve: complete control of a culture, the removal of all opposition and replacement of civil law with biblical law.
- We call ourselves the most Christian nation and have the highest murder rate in the 'civilized' world. We have the money and resources to do it...but our Godly nation neglects to do what Jesus surely would have done: take care of the poor and needy. We call ourselves the greatest democracy on earth...but allow millions of votes to go uncounted every election and the Supreme Court to install presidents.
- With the advent of the new 'right-leaning left'...many who call themselves 'new' Democrats have joined with Republicans in showing a righteous hatred reserved especially for liberals. A new generation of Democrats have found a reason to hate liberals and their ideology just as Republicans have during the last few decades. Liberals represent the past they want to forget: unions, workers and civil rights, choice and environmental protections.
- Those of us who have fought for all the aforementioned rights feel frustrated that we have to start over and that factions within our party are actually fighting against us. They're helping the Right frame the debate against us for our steadfast positions on issues like gun control, separation of church and state, social welfare and public education.
- Liberals...the lepers and heretics of Bush's* America...have been outcast from a society that no longer treasures freedom and individual rights...but instead worships money and 'winning' by any means. We've been shunned because we believe that stealing elections is wrong, covering up investigations of 9-11 is criminal and that lying a nation into war is an impeachable offense. We're hated because we believe justice shouldn't have to wait on political expediency.
- I call upon the New Democrats to join us in the fight against the most oppressive and criminal US government in history. We ask you to join us...not just in ousting Bush* in 2004...but in helping to change our party and government before it's too late. It won't be enough to simply install a Democrat into a system corrupted to its very core. We must change the system back to what the Founders intended: a government of, by and for the people. Something like this is possible ONLY if we become as united as the zealots now in complete control of our government and media.
- Welcome to the second American Revolution.