The toll on the National Guard
What happens after 'Weekend Warriors' return home?
By Fred Francis
NBC News
Updated: 3:21 p.m. ET March 09, 2004
KNOXVILLE - Since Sept. 11, 2001, more than 143,000 National Guard members have been mobilized worldwide.
Tennessee’s top National Guard unit, which hasn’t been called to combat since the Korean War, is getting ready for Iraq. The weekend warriors must go, but what happens after they return home?
The war in Iraq has slammed into most of Tennessee like a tornado, crashing into the lives of over 4,000 National Guard families, jolting employers, surprising the troops.“A bit excited, but also a bit stunned,” said 19-year-old John Fogerty.Scenes like this are nationwide. Some say that’s because Pentagon planners didn’t plan so well.
The active-duty Army needs rest. The only option is sending Guard and Reserve troops to replace them, stressing weekend warriors as never before. Some 46 percent of the 110,000 troops needed in Iraq will be part-time soldiers.