These are terms used within corporations and "cleaning house" after the takeover of another company is common.
The corporate culture is all pervasive now within this government and so it is no surprise that even their language (as well as their code of greed) reflects the change. Do you think corporations are democracies?
Have you read about Rumsfeld's Pentagon takeover today? Army has a total of 50 three- and four-star generals. A senior Pentagon civilian called the move “housecleaning.”
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has made no secret of his dissatisfaction with what he sees as unimaginative Army leadership. Schoomaker, too, is critical of a culture he sees as risk-averse and change-resistant. In comments made privately but now circulat-ing widely in the Pentagon, Schoomaker said recently: “Rumsfeld might think we’re at war with terrorism, but I’ll bet he also thinks he is at war within the Pentagon ... It’s a war of the culture.”This "house cleaning" is VERY significant. The military complex is run by a new leadership that not only is WILLING to take risks, they also consider themselves above both domestic and international law. And they take their orders from the "commander in chief" (if you'll remember Rumsfeld took issue with just who can be called what. There is only ONE commander according to Rummy).
If you saw the PBS special about Watergate the other night, then perhaps you'll recall the part where there was some question whether, after the highest court in our land ruled that Nixon should turn over his tapes, he would do it. He had argued that he was above the law (he called himself Louis XIV...a monarch who was above the law). There was a very tense period there, because Nixon also was "Commander In Chief" of the armies and therefore..theoretically....had the rule of force on his side, which only needed a word from him to take actions protecting their commander against this country's laws. It seems to me that those Republicans and peripheral people who supported Nixon and that philosophy learned their lessons from Watergate and are attempting to secure power in ALL branches....the courts, the Pentagon, and various other areas of government. And sadly Congress, the one body who is supposed to be representative and protective of The People and their rights, is itself torn in its allegiance between this duty and their corporate sugar daddies who offer to ensure their power. So this is the pickle we are in folks. And if we don't open our eyes to this bigger picture immediately it will be too late. Maybe it already is. If you are hanging your hopes on one man, or the DLC or DNC you have already lost what's really at stake (hint: it isn't just another election...and every one of us has to be the ONE).
So as I said before...this action that Rumsfeld took to "clean house" is VERY VERY VERY important. Perhaps it's time for THE PEOPLE to become less "risk averse" and plan a takeover of their own.