Bush strikes me as a workplace bully. He's insecure, he has a mean streak, and he pushes blame on his underlings. Rumsfeld and Cheney also look like they have sizable mean streaks. It must be difficult to work for either of them. Condoleezza Rice regularly swallows her pride, tells clumsy lies, and takes blame for other people's bad decisions. For all we know, she
did object to the 16 words.
This must be the Golden Age of workplace bullying. Jobs are tight and the nasty guy in the White House gives his subordinates demeaning names; he objects to being upstaged; and he insists on absolute loyalty. Every workplace bully in America must feel empowered by his example.
I once reported to a workplace bully at a time when I desperately needed a job. He got more and more brazen as he went along, thinking that he could continue to get away with it indefinitely. After I'd squirreled away enough money that I could risk being fired on the spot, I waited for him to trap himself in front of witnesses. He did. He said something of an unambiguously sexual nature that I was able to file a harassment complaint.
He got me fired, but the company lawyers had to do handstands to get it past the EEOC. However, the fact of that complaint is part of
his work record. If he does it again, the company itself is on the hook for a huge damage claim. Because workplace bullies typically know just how much they can get away with, I can't imagine being in a similar situation now. These people take advantage of desperate times, making the lives of their subordinates utterly miserable.