on his site today. Looks like it could be an excellent site.
Below is the link and a letter of introduction from the editiors...
http://gadflyer.com/Time to Get Tough
An introduction from the editors
by Thomas Schaller, Executive Editor
Years from now, we will look back on this time as a critical moment in the history of American politics in general and progressive politics in particular. It will be either the moment when progressivism was beaten into utter submission and began its long walk in the wilderness, or the moment when progressives got up off their knees and turned the tide.
There is no doubt that the right has many advantages in the war of ideas and the war of politics, not least of which is the seemingly limitless stream of money that funds their efforts. But more than any other factor, their successes have been built on the mindset with which they approach politics. Simply put, they play to win.
It's time for progressives to do the same. With that in mind, during this week we will present a series of articles outlining ways progressives can get tough.
Getting Tough with the Right
Getting Tough with the Media
Getting Tough with Progressive Constituencies
Getting Tough on the Campaign Trail
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