Edited on Mon Mar-15-04 08:34 PM by The Night Owl
Help me add to this list I am working on...
To vote for George W. Bush in 2004, you have to believe the following...
1. You have to believe that an inarticulate alcoholic with a penchant for lying can bring peace and democracy not just to Iraq, but to the entire Middle East.
2. You have to believe that George W. Bush, a man who admits he does not read newspapers, any newspapers, makes a good leader.
3. You have to believe that U.S. soldiers dying at a rate of two per day is a sign of progress in Iraq.
4. You have to believe that George W. Bush wanted to serve in the Vietnam war, a war he says he supported, but was denied the opportunity to serve in that war because of circumstances beyond his control.
5. You have to believe that Stepford Wives make great First Ladies.
6. You have to believe that lying about sex is grounds for impeachment and removal from office, but lying about national security matters is acceptable.
7. You have to believe that the Saudi royals are our friends.
8. You have to believe that ushering the Bin Laden family out of the United States before they could be questioned about the attacks of 9/11 was a good idea.
9. You have to believe that the proper response to the 9/11 attacks is to attack a nation that had nothing to do with the attacks of 9/11.
10. You have to believe that steroid use is such an urgent problem that it requires mention in The State Of The Union speech.
11. You have to believe that George W. Bush, a president who spends entire weekends with Saudi royals, cannot spare more than one hour to talk with the commission investigating the attacks of 9/11.
12. You have to believe that George W. Bush, a president who appointed John Poindexter, a convicted criminal, to one of the most sensitive national security positions in government, exhibits good judgement.
13. You have to believe that George W. Bush, a president who appointed Henry Kissinger to investigate the attacks of 9/11, exhibits good judgement.
14. You have to believe that taxing the rich to the point where they are less rich is evil and mean. You also have to believe that tax cuts are the solution to every problem in the world.
15. You have to believe that in the effort to bring peace and democracy in Iraq, no cost, in blood or treasure, is too great.
16. You have to believe that Saddam Hussein, a man who did not even control much of his own country, was the greatest threat to peace in recent times.