Our local editorial page editor wrote a column endorsing the Secretary Page's remarks about the NEA, and had the good taste to run it last Sunday, only days after the Madrid attack.
The letter half written in my head goes something like this:
Your endorsement of the equation of people organizing in unions to protect their rights with terrorists is dispicable. You yourself are the terrorist.
You are a terrorist because you willingly exploit the innocent dead of 9/11 and 11M for your own (anti-union) political agenda.
Your good friend, George Bush, who asserts (thought his surrogates) that a vote against him is a vote for the terrorists, also willingly dips his hands in the blood of the victims of terrorists.
You and he both are as morally reprehensible as those who order these attacks, as you will gladly use the death and mayhem to advance your cause.
You are, in a sense, more evil than they are. Given all of the advantages of living in American, a good education and a good job, and you make yourself an ally of evil by profitting from terrorist acts.
There should be a special circle of hell for you and everyone in America who hopes to profit financially, politically or professionally, from exploiting terrorism.