Did anybody hear this interview? First of all this guy has the cutest accent. You can hear it at www.democracynow.org, they also have the transcript, here's an excerpt...talking about what did in Aznar! ==============================================================
"But I would say that always fear, fear benefits the Right, the Right Wing." (Amen to that!)
"....I mean, you have to do something. I think that the Socialist Party, the population in general, reacted very well to the kind of things. The only thing we can do in a democracy is go and vote and the arrogance and manipulation of Mr. Aznar was to think that the Spanish people would say, well, you follow the same way. You go, you know, try to aid once more Mr. Bush. No. To tell you in two words, I think this has been Mr. Bush defeat."
WOOOHOO!! Voting out arrogance and manipulation? Good idea! I think Mr. Bush has a bigger defeat coming to him here at home in November.