Edited on Sun Aug-03-03 06:23 PM by Oracle
if the reporters coving the stories, the White House news crews, Sunday morning news host, daily news shows, were not making the hundreds of thousands (even millions) of dollars a year?
Can they really report the news accurately when their summer homes, first class flights to the Bahama's, country clubs, private schools, five star restaurants reservations, limos, might be jeopardized by confronting this administration, by reporting their lies, distortions, corruption and kickbacks?
Do they really believe the condescending patronizing bullshit backslapping when they are invited to the finest White House parties and gala’s?
Would we get a different point of view, instead of the spin, non-reporting of Bush’s viciousness, distain and hatred of workers, the poor and middle class?
If they made salaries comparable to RN’s, electricians, teachers, etc…would the news be any different than what we now receive from the five republican owned television corporate media conglomerates?
Keep the reporters rich and happy and half the media battle is won? Do they care if liberals and Democrats are getting a fair shake? after all we are Americans who love and fight for our country and want to see fairness rule, not the one-sided imbalance we get from this fascist administration.
Are they really in touch? I wonder…