This is Tommy Thompson, from the bush* cabinet, HHS...
State mistakenly destroys records from Thompson's administration
Hundreds of boxes sent to paper mill instead of archives
Several hundred boxes of records from the Tommy G. Thompson administration earmarked for the Wisconsin Historical Society for archiving instead were mistakenly destroyed, officials said Monday.
Tom Solberg, a spokesman for the state Department of Administration, confirmed that the records, which were stored at a state warehouse, were inadvertently put on the wrong truck and sent to a Green Bay paper mill, where the paper was turned into pulp. The records were supposed to go to the historical society in Madison.
"We have discontinued the destruction of any additional records until we can review where we are at," Solberg said. "We view this as a serious matter. We don't want this to happen again."
Come on, does anyone truly believe this was an accident? Republican Governor for 14 years, always with rumors of corruption, and then his records go poof? Right...