In the last 3 months I have started to read about how the US government accounts inflation, economic growth, productivity, and unemployment.
Its not using simple common sense formulas to say the least. And the rules themselves are changing.
For example Reagan changed the way that unemployment was counted. Low and behold the unemployment rate went down! What a great leader!
The government has been systematecaly underestimating the rate of inflation for 30 years now. They say our dollar is worth maybe one half as much as in 1970. But evidence from the stores shelves shows its worth more like 1/20th. Back in the 1970's young people used to be able to afford homes. Now they can't, hence why gen-x is living with their parents in many cases.
Or just getting by renting tiny plain apartments. Don't get me wrong on this example of playing with the books I don't believe the democrats are innocent, however I would say the major cooking of the books has come under republican presidents.
Largely I believe the problem though is that the government has taken a 'life of its own'. Its in the interest for the government to give wrong information when times are not doing well, if they told the real truth they could be looking at certain change of government and direction which very well could cost them their job. And I don't mean that people would call for less government, merely they would demand efficient government or for the money to be spent in other areas.
The numbers now after 30 years of manipulation are getting quite funny though. Did you know we are over 100 times wealthier per person then egyptians? I have many friends who have been to egypt and traveled the country by bus. Not tour bus either, these are arab friends who are from the arabian peninsula.
They have pictures and stories about egypt. It has modern roads, nightclubs, movie theaters. In fact the average entrance fee for night clubs is way above the average in north america. Young men without educations work and provide for their growing family. The wife often stays at home. A home they put a down payment on in their early 20's.
Families in Egypt are averaging 6 children. Few in north america could afford 6 children even if they wanted that many. Yet we are 100 times richer then them you know. Our government tells us so. They wouldn't lie! Governments never lie!
This fall many of the worlds richest currency traders say they are going to attack the US dollar. There is a growing feeling in the currency world that the US dollar is very overvalued. I believe it is as much as 10 times overvalued right now. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
Many economists were blinded by the lies coming out of nations like indonesia or thailand. However there were a few including these same currency traders like george soros, that said wait a minute these numbers aren't adding up. Some of these valuations are based on wildly optimistic future expectations.
So they attacked them on a large scale and the nations were forced to back up their numbers or face an exodus of investment. They couldn't back them up because of course they were pure lies, so the currency collapsed.