Bush remembered from social contacts
News staff writer
George W. Bush didn't make much of an impression as a Guardsman in
Alabama, but plenty of people recall him socially from 1972, with
memories fond and foul.
That's what the Smith family remembers most about Bush, how he left
their aunt's home damaged, dirty and dumpy.
"He was just a rich kid who had no respect for other people's
possessions," said Mary Smith, whose family found damaged walls,
broken furnishings and a chandelier destroyed after Bush left the house. A
bill sent to collect the damages went unpaid, the family said.
Archibald, a Blount relative by marriage, said he believes Bush's social
side interfered with his job. He said he remembers many times when
Bush would come to the Montgomery office late and leave early. He'd tell
stories about his drinking the night before, like a frat boy bragging to his
brothers. "I just found it strange that a guy in his mid-20s would feel
comfortable enough to talk about that," Archibald said.
Several weeks after Archibald went to work for Blount as a volunteer in
September 1972, Allison told him the campaign was having trouble getting
materials out to the counties. Allison told Archibald to take over the job,
one that Archibald said Bush wasn't doing. That's where Bush got the
nickname "the Texas Souffle," Archibald said, from some of the volunteers
who thought he looked good on the outside but didn't have much inside.
http://www.al.com/news/birminghamnews/index.ssf?/base/news/1077963426278660.xml"Good on the outside" is a matter of taste, I suppose, but not "much inside" defines his presidency and himself.
(snagged at