NY Times story: Hans Blix says, "The Bush administration convinced itself of the existence of banned weapons based on dubious findings before invading Iraq and was not interested in hearing evidence to the contrary."
AS IF THAT WERE THE WHOLE FUCKING TRUTH...Blix, though, was pretty much right on the money in the Times article...
http://www.nytimes.com/2004/03/16/international/middleeast/16BLIX.html?ex=1080451010&ei=1&en=3274b34121388831However and except for the fact, they NEVER talk about the real reason for the invasion...THEY WANTED THE FUCKING OIL. That was the motivating factor.
Keeping the American people in fear of Arabs, after all, aren't most Arabs terrorist? People will then accept our imperialistic military, invading Arab counties. (Don't fret, we're getting around to the Latin American countries, it'll be easier for these greedy sick, fucks to conquer).
Stealing the OIL from the Iraqi people, as our tanks, and stealth bombers pose in front of the camera for all the world to see us as great liberators. However the rest of the world knows exactly what the US is doing...the corporate media fed American people become lazy, accepting the "official" line fed to us by the Pentagon and cable TV news, then reinforced over and over by talk radio until it becomes the truth.
We become voluntarily blind to the fact that these same exact assholes were in the Reagan & Bush administrations, and have been wanting to invade Iraq for it's oil reserves for over twenty years...set up a base, for future invasions of Iran's OIL, Saudi Arabia's OIL, natural gas & pipelines through Afghanistan, etc. etc...
Capitalizing on Americans fear that almost all Arab's are terrorist. Just as they made the American Indians (Native Americans) to be blood thirsty terrorist, to justify the invasions of their lands and near elimination of the native people. It's these same blue blood motherfuckers in Washington. They wanted and needed, then created an excuse to steal the native Americans land, and all the resources on them. All for free, for the corporations taking, as the tax payers of the time paid the cost and of coursed funded the military. Why in the fuck did we fight Mexico to keep oil rich Texas...because it belonged to us???
And these same beefy-faced, angry, white, racist, fundamentalist "god fearing" Christian Texas swine, they want it all. All that Arab oil in the mid-east, all of it. and In their greedy fucking imperialistic eyes, the native American we're just "savages" too and needed to be eliminated and the Arabs are just "sand nigger terrorist, and they need to be eliminated too. (then all their oil belongs to whoever has the strongest tax paying military to steal it.) Same with Latin American..thes same Texas sized bigots, they have to have labels to make it seem like the people they want to steal from are less human than them and others like them., They just want to see them as dumb, stupid "wet backs", brown people, when they invade for their own good,(who just happen to have a whole lot of OIL, and agriculture, Drugs and cheap labor).
This is what I'm so fucking angry about...people with their heads up their ass looking for WMD. They would of found ANY reason to go in to get that oil. 9-11 was such a stage for the CIA and it's Arab manipulating psychology on the American people. What's the CIA's function anyway now? ONLY to create and undermine legitimate governments, for profit... for the American Corporations, THAT" it, nothing more!!!! And England those old royal bloods will always be with us, right by our sides and pockets, they know what we're doing and they want their share.
I love the way the corporate media told us, the FBI & CIA didn't even have any Arab speaking agents... wow, holy gee, golly...that must of been the problem, as all of us to eat it up and say..."yep, that's the problem, the FBI & CIA were out of touch, that's why 9-11 happened" Yep, yep! As both the FBI and the CIA get huge billion dollar raises right after 9-11...To get some Arab speaking agents I suppose...
Then comes Latin America, for these never ending oil lusting greed sick Texans and Corporate conglomerates...they are going to use DRUGS and "rebel unrest" (liberal legitimate peoples government's is what they really mean.) as the fear base for American people (again) and the corporate media will be feeding us stories like and be ready for them ..."Little Johnny selling cocaine to everyone in his third grade class" and "Our little 12 year old Suzie was such a good little girl, until then she stated whoring, and it all started when Suzie's started smoking pot and snorting coke" (A great "Dateline" or Newsweek story, sex & drugs sell advertisers) Then comes the overthrow of the Latin American governments (this is going on right now). Invasions by US forces to fight the "rebels" into OIL rich countries like Venezuela, Columbia, etc...
How long will it be, before we start reading the CIA planted stories how the leftist government of Venezuela is really a base for drug running operations, not unlike the stories under Poppy Bush and then the invasion of Panama to keep CIA operatives like Noriega in prison where they can't utter a word.)
As always it's all for oil...as they try and keep our attention on finding WMD!!!!!