In response to Asscroft's "very real potential" that the al-Qaida terrorism network could again strike the United States:
Reply 1 - Posted by: Landshark, 8/3/2003 1:26:04 PM
And when they do (not if), watch the libs blame Bush.
It's as if we had ignored 9/11 they would have said, "OK, now we're even."
On a liberal could believe that way.
Reply 2 - Posted by: Bulworth, 8/3/2003 1:36:44 PM
No, liberals would blame Bush for another Al Qaeda attack because he's been charging around Iraq for no good reason for the last few months.
Reply 3 - Posted by: Kris k., 8/3/2003 1:46:20 PM
The democraps are counting on a terror attack before the 2004 presidential election. What slim hope they have of recapturing the White House rests soley on an event or topic that they can spin against President Bush. The economy won't do it, the war in Iraq won't do it, but a terror attack might.
I've said this before -- the democrap thirst for political power is a national security threat. It isn't just muslims who trade in the "my enemy's enemy is my friend" business. If an al-qaida suckerpunch will damage the President and give the 'craps a toehold in 2004, they'll be tacit supporters.
al qaida has operatives in both houses of congress, and that puts all of us at risk.
Reply 4 - Posted by: Coy860, 8/3/2003 1:53:45 PM
It is a shame that the democrats are rooting for al-Qaida to hurt the American people.
It is disgusting that their forced political correctness deters law enforcement and even private citizens from suspecting Arabs, Muslims in particular. This crap has got to stop.
If a black person robs a bank, do 10 white people have to be stopped at a roadblock for every black stopped? Common sense says no, look for the person who fits the description and profile, but then, democrats don't have common sense, they have 'feelings'
Reply 5 - Posted by: Allegra, 8/3/2003 2:25:47 PM
It's not just a 'shame' that the dems want another attack on America. It's sinful and evil.
Reply 6 - Posted by: Coy860, 8/3/2003 2:39:18 PM
You are correct #5, just the remembering of September 11 sickens me.
The good people of America do not want anymore pain.
Reply 7 - Posted by: Lady Z, 8/3/2003 2:53:34 PM
Most knowledgeable people understand -- 9/11 was about clinton -- more than Bush. Bush was barely in office when it happened.
The demorats are hoping for body bags and another attack on FULL BUSH watch.
They are not sick. They are un/American. AND -- the people have seen this. That's why they can't get any traction. People don't trust them, i.e. demorats, anymore.
Reply 8 - Posted by: Bulworth, 8/3/2003 3:03:32 PM
Nobody, not the DNC, the DLC, Terry McCauliffe, Howard Dean, or liberals at large want another attack on America. Any supposition that they do is just sick.
Meanwhile, we have a warning that another attack could be coming, and the President takes a month-long vacation.
Reply 9 - Posted by: mamamoose, 8/3/2003 3:14:33 PM
What a cheap shot No. 8, and if you really believe what you just implied, you do need help! What changes when W goes to Texas is that he can be more relaxed, wear casual clothes and drive around in his truck! Every President who ever left Washington to rest has taken his work with him, including your obvious favorite, the infamous B. Clinton.
Reply 10 - Posted by: Allegra, 8/3/2003 3:21:00 PM
#8, that really was a cheap and 'typical' shot. Every single day we face attack. President Bush has more on his plate than any human being on the planet. He should have NO down time? There is nothing he can do in DC that he can't do on his ranch.
For that matter, if you object so strenuously to someone having a little relaxation in dangerous times, then I am supposing you objected vehemently to Clinton's vacationing with some frequency while our WTC, our embassies and our naval vessels were attacked. You probably HATED it when you learned that Clinton left world leaders on hold while Monica blew him, and you probably REALLY blew your stack when Sandy Berger could not give an order to strike at OSAMA because Clinton was watching golf and didn't want to talk about it.
I bet you were really, really OFFENDED, right? By your own measure, you should have been!
Reply 11 - Posted by: NoLibsNoLies, 8/3/2003 3:24:57 PM
What's wrong with W going to Texas for a month? When you're president, you're on duty no matter where you are. And do you want him staying in Washington when the congress is all out of town for a month? (Hey, can he do recess appointments when the 'rats are out of town?)
Reply 13 - Posted by: Landshark, 8/3/2003 3:34:04 PM
#2 shows the utter lack of logical thought process in the American liberal, know by its scientific name: headupus asses.
Reply 14 - Posted by: Bulworth, 8/3/2003 3:48:32 PM
So because Congress is out of town means W doesn't have anything to do? Congressional breaks aren't meant for vacation time, they're for congressmen to meet with their constituents in their home states. Bush should be having constant meetings with Alan Greenspan and the Secretary of Labor to fix the anemic job market by some other means than tax cuts for the rich.
Of course Bush is entitled to time off.
But a month is just ridiculous.
BTW, Robert Patterson was never able to verify the Osama/Golf story.
Reply 15 - Posted by: Yorkiemom, 8/3/2003 4:00:05 PM
The Dims should hope and pray al-Qaida doesn't strike our country again, not only because of the harm it does our country, but since most polls show the Republicans are favored overwhelmingly in national security matters, people know Bush would do a better job than any of the Dims running for president. But, sadly, Dims don't think that way.
Reply 16 - Posted by: losgatos, 8/3/2003 4:06:59 PM
Oh, don't worry #14. Dubya is going to be doing what congress is doing. Meeting with his constituents and raking in more money than your idol Slick ever thought of. Its driving you left wing liberals crazy isn't it. The only candidate you have who can even get a contribution is the loony leftist Dean. Slick and his dreadful wife have wrecked the democrat party. Another part of his shining legacy.
Reply 19 - Posted by: Double Dog Dare, 8/3/2003 4:30:25 PM
If we are attacked again, the dems and the leftist media will be an accessory to the crime. The fact that they are putting down the President leaves terrorist to believe that with Bush out of office the dems will go easier on them.
The fact that the dems are rooting for another attack so they will win gives the terrorist the incentive to attack us soon and before the election. The dems and the liberal media are all accessories to the next 911.
They are wooing the terrorist to play along with them and cause Bush and the Republican congress to go under. The terrorist would see this as kinder and more compassionate administration and congress under the dems taking the helm.
The dems and all leftist liberals should be subpoenaed to appear before a congressional committee investigation and charged with aiding and giving comfort to the enemy by their actions of support for another 911 terrorist attack.
Reply 20 - Posted by: nolie, 8/3/2003 5:23:56 PM
The Dems and liberals, including the main-stream media, can't wait for another attack on the US. They are standing around salivating and licking their chops in anticipation of one. They are so desperate for some help in bringing Dubya down they have lost sight of what's good for America, it's for the Party they care about. It's not the vast right wing conspiracy the country should be concerned about but the vast leftist liberal conspiracy and they are just about to destroy this country.
Reply 21 - Posted by: xqcguy, 8/3/2003 5:45:19 PM
#14. You are amazing. How can you type with such an advanced case of rectal-cranial inversion?
Reply 23 - Posted by: MadTexan, 8/3/2003 6:18:18 PM
The dummycrap postings on this thread prove that Ann Coulter is right!