The Jigsaw in Pieces: The World After Iraq
The inside sotry on how the U.S. and Britain went to war....
Two parter, started today but will repeat Tomorrow (Thurs.) at 1:05 GMT (8:05 PM Eastern, previous day) and next Monday at 0:05 GMT (7:05 PM Eastern, previous day) (Meaning, it's on, for example, 8 pm Eastern Wed. and 7:05 pm Eastern Sunday).
First Part is also repeating tonight at 8 pm Eastern. Lasts 1 hour.
The Second part will be on next Wednesday 3/24 at 9am, 3 pm and 8 pm Eastern, with repeats as above, I assume.
Click on BBC WS at top right for the live stream an amazing show. I listened to the first part this morning on the radio. It is done completely done in bits from interviews, etc. from many of the diplomats involved in the run up to the war, including Richard Haas, who was Powell's asistant in the Dept. of Defense...but no longer. He states bluntly that the war didn't have to be fought in 6 days, 6 months or even 6 years. Listen to the Fischer, the German Foreign Sec. go ballistic at the Nato meetings. King Abdullah of Jordan who met Busjh in August 2002 and knew in his gut that this thing was going down no matter what was said. The "Swinging Six"--the six nations who were being pressured to vote with the US.
How the Middle East Roadmap was pushed forward to save Blair's skin in Britain.
All the comments about the pressure going up to the UN votes and Powell's presentation. And how the Russians thought it was bogus.
Next week, "As Casualties Mount--The Reconstruction of Iraq"
It should be outrageously good....
I can't find this in any archive try to listen as it airs. It's worth it!!!