David Ignatius, WPO Columnist, just said on Hardball that many in the Arab world wanted Bush to win in 2000. The Bush name made them believe that they would get better treatment and that, maybe, Arafat held back on the peace accord processes under Clinton and waited for Bush.
Why didn’t Bush let us know which foreign leaders wanted him to beat Clinton? Why didn’t he name them? Keep changing the rules, the goal posts..
You know I always hated the kid that tried to change the rules in the middle of the game, or threatened to take the ball home, if we didn’t accept his version of the call, or the rules. We didn’t play with referees.
The beauty of play-ground-democracy was: did we brawl, or swallow the slight, just so we could continue the game…
On edit: (subject header cut) Was referin' to the Good, not the Bad nor Ugly. I meant Clinton, not Eastwood, nor some asshole...
For pictorial reference: