Having read the PNAC charter, and having already read lots of books and pieces detailing the CIA's rogue shenanigans thoughtout it's history, I see the "War on Terror" as being just a diversionary item on Bush's menu. When I see him talk about it on TV, he's always got that smirk on his face, like he's in on a joke the rest of us are falling for. I get the feeling when he speaks that even HE doen't really care about fighting terrorism, that he knows he's got the American people cowed into frightened apathy and reactionary thought-paths and is just so damn amused that he pulled it off, and that's what drives him. I think he's addicted to wool-pulling, I think he's still got that frat-prank mentality.
Remember that picture of Bush with his blindingly-caucasian frat buddies stuffed into a phone booth? I see him talking about fighting terrorism and cannot stop myself from mentally conjuring that picture....I see the same expression of bemused, sniggering malevolence on his face in both situations. In the first, he's got that confident look that says, "I'm rich and white and I could OWN YOU if I asked my daddy to put you on the market....." and in the second, IT'S THE SAME DAMN EXPRESSION. An emotionally dead smirk.
The "War on Terror" is an elaborate PRANK. Bush is like your asshole older brother as a kid, who says "look up there!!!" while you're eating so that he can steal food of your plate when your head is turned. While he's got so many people whipped into submission, behind their backs he's robbing us of Social Security, education funding, our environmental protections, our civil liberties, our overtime, our supposed "tax breaks", and our free time since we all have to work so damn much just to scrape by. And he's laughing it up- he sees this as just more fratboy fun and games, more stuffed telephone booths, more hand-in-a-bowl-of-warm-water for us "major league assholes." Our own president has "punk'd" us.