Edited on Sun Mar-21-04 12:01 PM by RedEagle
Bev's work is out of range of DU at the moment because she doesn't have a lap top.
It would help in our fight to preserve a REAL, representative democracy if Bev had a lap top. During the hearings in California, Diebold could spin all they wanted and Bev had no means to rally back to the press, in mass, until she returned to her computer. That's way, way too late in the "news" world. A donation of an older lap top would do, as long as it can connect to the net. Or the funds to purchase one for her.
If you want this work to continue, if you want more success, then we have got to have help. Momentum is building, we need to increase it and sustain what we have.
Many people have been working countless hours for nothing but the dream of voting that really, really reflects what people cast their ballots for, to fix the system so that our children may choose their leaders.
The more you get into it, the more it appears that the slide into sham voting has been happening for some time. Not the old ballot box stuffing, but the real means to change election outcomes all over the country, and ultimately, all over the world.
Sham voting stops here, stops now. Draw the line and force retreat until there are no systems in the United States that cannot be audited by everyday citizens, that produce a real, physical, source document of our votes. Sham voting stops now by mandating auditing procedures that have a chance to catch error or potential fraud. Audits where real people look at real ballots.
The black box should never, ever be the arbiter of our elections.
Paper not vapor.
Get on it.
:thumbsup: :yourock: :thumbsup: