Go ahead. Catch Osama. While you keep hiding from the 9/11 commission.
Go ahead. Call McDonalds hamburger flipping a manufacturing job. While the real IT jobs are ousourced to India.
Go ahead. Lie about Kerry's voting record. While 90% of European leaders proclaim their support of him.
Go ahead. Lie about Kerry's war record. While returning military who choose to go AWOL and are put on trial for not going back to Iraq cite YOUR record as a defense.
Go ahead. Politicize 9/11. While the WTC victim's families 23 questions to you about 9/11 go unanswered.
Go ahead. Get Diebold to commit fraud in the elections. While the whole world and 51 million Democrats choose not to just get over it and will be watching your every move.
Go ahead. Intimidate insiders to lie about your health care cost. They will come forward anyway.
Go ahead. Intimidate intelligence officials into supporting your bogus claims on Iraq. They will just follow Joe Wilson's lead.
Go ahead. Plant WMD. That will be your final fiasco.
Go ahead. The trend is not your friend.