Edited on Thu Mar-18-04 09:24 PM by The Whiskey Priest
April 2004 Harpers Magazine. Lie Down For America, How the Republican Party Sows Ruin on the Great Plains by Thomas Frank.
Frank has a book titled, “ What’s the Matter with Kansas,” that will be released in June.
Frank starts his piece by pointing out that “the poorest county in America is not in Appalachia or the Deep South. It is on the Great Plains… and it went solidly for Bush in 2000.” When he mentioned that fact to one of his friends, she was perplexed and asked the question, “How can anyone who has worked for someone else vote Republican?”
That is the question that Frank sets about answering. I cannot do justice to his article in a short review, so I will only offer some of the more salient points.
He labels the working class support of the Republican party as the “Great Backlash.” The backlash is in reaction to many perceived wrongs. Those wrongs range from busing to un-Christian art. The one thing in common is that they are all cultural wrongs and they are wrongs that have been identified by the right.
According to Frank, “the primary contradiction of the backlash: It is a working-class movement that has done incalculable, historic harm to working-class people.”
Frank goes on to say, “The leaders of the backlash may talk Christ, but they walk corporate. Values may “matter most” to voters, but they always take a back seat to the needs of money once the election is won.”
The reality on that point is nailed by Frank as he points out, “Vote to stop abortion; receive a rollback in capital gains. Vote to make our country strong again; receive de-industrialization. Vote to screw those politically correct college professors; receive electricity deregulation.” As Frank says, “ Their grandstanding leaders never produce, their (the movements true believers. My annotation) fury mounts, nevertheless they turn out every two years to return their right-wing heroes to office for a second, a third, a twentieth try. The trick never ages, the illusion never wears off. “
From that point in the article Frank builds the case for his argument. The working-class of the great plains, a group that was once known for its populism, is in the clutches of tricksters who are in the hip pocket and dedicated to the elite and money interest of this country. In following their heroes of the right, the working class of the plains are in the process of rolling back the whole twentieth century.
For anyone who wants to know the answer to the question of “how can someone who has ever worked for someone else vote Republican.” this article is a must read.