3 kinds between nations:
Soft power Economic Power Military Power
In a soft power sense, other nations are on an equal footing to the US and punch above their weight per capita. The number of british rock bands per capita, that are successful in the US is larger than any other nation. This soft power is imperial as well, and indeed the most subtle sort of empire, the ghost you invite in to your house willingly.
Economic power defines a plethora of nations that are on an equal scientific footing in terms of manufacturing as the US. The US has used financial markets, in a very neo imperial way to crush any opposition on a global basis. No way in hell is a new microsoft gonna form in kuala lumpur and take marketshare from msft... no way. THis economic imperialism of USA-today makes it very hard to tell which nations would be able to handle her absence, as she crowds out markets by her behaviour.
These countries would be like the G22, all more or less imperal economically, copying the USA.
Military imperialism... well, the classics: Britain (still today), Spain, Nederlands, Danmark, Germany, Japan, Korea, China, India, Persia, Egypt (of old), Rome (Italy).
All of these countries have great influence in their previous empires, even today. As well, all of them are wiser to the irony of empire. Like being a grandparent and listening to parents bitch about raising children... and only getting the good bits. The grandparent empires like britain, know how to deal with terrorism and defeat it, as they have had centuries of practice. It would make much of the old empires "neo-neo-imperial". They seek nonmilitary means of influence to win empires of goodwill.
Britain used its miltiary in africa, like france has, in its old empire colonies. It falls on the grandparents to clean up the mess of their kids. Britain is grandparent to the iraq mess, and america is parent, both of neoimperial ilk.