I haven't seen much coverage of this stuff
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/wnt/US/porno030828.html and
http://www.yaleherald.com/article.php?Article=2199 , and the Stern controversy has some of the same vibe (not to mention
potential in terms of voters who maybe haven't been, ahem, reached out to sufficiently by the Democrats), so I thought the case deserved its own thread. Maybe I missed some 500 post flame war that already "beat' this to death long ago ;) :P :evilgrin: . I don't know too much about the case, but it seems like a good cause :P and pretty simple. And another way for the Republicans to alienate their beloved straight white males. Word to the wise. I really think the Religious Right is an unexploited Achilles Heel. Even pro-choice Scaife doesn't dig those folks. They're "out there' in the eyes of most Americans, and embarrassing to be associated with. Our President is a "born again" who you can't have a beer and talk normally with, right? Why not point that out once in a freakin' while?