funny hearing him being called "the atheist" as if he's some sort of superhero/villain.
but yeah, saw the C-SPAN and he was quite articulate and well informed. and most of it seems to have been done on personal time, not part of a degree - most impressive. he was quite kind with a lot of the callers, especially the fire and brimstone speakers. more patience than i could've mustered.
the other guy, who was pretty kind himself, was desperately trying to get the issue off topic from corporeal issues of government and governance and onto some weird philosophical debate. it was cute, but "the atheist" wisely did not bite. it really isn't what the issue is about. it's about how does a secular constitutional democratic republic with a separation of church and state within its mandates chooses to deal with leftovers of bad judgment from a witch hunt period.
it's high time these last vestiges of McCarthyism are swept away.
if they really wanna say "under god" then they can whisper it under breath real fast as the rest of the pledge is said. nothing stopping that. besides, turns a pledge into its better sounding original.
and if they are so adamant that religious stuff must be mandated through our governmental procedures then we should pluralize and feminize "under god" and call it "under goddesses." if they really think *some* form of spiritual representation be present i think the fire 'n brimstone folk would dig this just as well, wouldn't they ;)