Sorry, Bill.
It’s been a good 12 years. We had some great times together, you and I. I walked through fire for you, and I’d do it again. You’re a dog, but you’re the Big Dog. The Alpha. I probably would have slept with you if the opportunity had presented itself; I find you that compelling and charismatic. But you’re still a dog.
Don’t get me wrong; it doesn’t tarnish my opinion of you as a leader. Your personal pecadilloes matter not one iota to me. Please, have at. It’s not about me. It’s about the people who still can’t leave you alone about it. But I’m sorry. I can’t defend you any more. I won’t. You’ve become a liability.
You’re not running for anything. You’re not in office. You’re not threatening anybody. In fact, you’re not doing much of anything. So why, why, why, do I find myself time and again called upon to defend you when my time would really be better spent attacking G W Bush and his failed policies? Why do the Republicans act as if the world is still turning on your every action, every piece of your personal and political history? Why? I admit; you’re fascinating. But still. Wouldn’t the Republicans be better served by defending the policies of their Boy King? If they were so effective at destroying you, why are you still around? If Bush is such a great leader, how come he didn’t fix all your mistakes? Why are they still bleating about them 4 years later? What gives? Why can’t we focus on now, the present, current events, things that are actually occurring completely independently of your influence? Why can’t we talk about what a fuck-up G W Bush is? How did that particlar discussion particle get swept from the table? Whence the rush to fill the void with the sins of Clinton?
I don’t want to talk about how YOU failed to prevent 9/11. I want to talk about how Bush failed. He’s the president now, not you. He’s the one who has to run on his record, not you. I don’t want to discuss your economic policies. And I certainly don’t want to discuss your relationship with the truth, not when there’s a dangerously loose cannon in the White House whose lies actually result in horrendous loss of life. Sorry, but I can’t equate marital infidelity with hypocrisy and warmongering. And, the joy of it is, I don’t have to any more. Sorry, but it’s no longer about you.
The Republicans think they own the table and the plates, and all the knives and forks. But I have to yank the tablecloth with Bill Clinton’s image on it off that table. Some shit’s going to get knocked over. I would guess that some of their nice crystal will get broken. Tough. They can’t set that table on Bill Clinton any more. At least not as far as I’m concerned. I’m sure I’ll get tired of saying it by November, same as I got tired of saying “who cares what he does in his personal life?” Saying what? “Bill Clinton’s not running for office. Bush is running for office. You want to talk about him, fine. But I am through defending Bill Clinton.”
I’m sorry, Bill. We’re through. You’re on your own now. You’re not relevant any longer. I have to turn my attention to the matters at hand. I have a regime to change. I have a bad president to fire. I have no energy left to defend you. As long as I’m defending you, I’m not going about the useful work of shredding the tissue of lies that flutters forth from the mouths of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, et al. So you see how it has to be. It’s been a great ride, but it’s over now. Thanks for the memories; thanks for the surplus; thanks for preventing that attack in December 1999. You held them off as long as you could, but it’s not your fight any more.
‘Bye, Bill. But I have a feeling we’ll meet again.