This is from an ongoing series supposedly about memos sent to all major media oulets from a single source. The memos are alleged to be "instructions" to the media on what to promote, what to blackout and what to expect.
Some interesting takes on events, but something there doesn't quite pass the sniff test. You have been warned.
BTW, these are excerpts from parts 13 & 14 of what is currently a 15 part series.
(July 14) Happy talk at the Pentagon about a universal draft is fading away. No chance of this disaster even being broached and it should not be mentioned at all. It is doubtful that the White House will touch this one now…
There is a growing fear in counter intelligence circles that if the resistance movement in Iraq is not stopped, the resulting very bad PR might cause an “incident” somewhere in the US just before election time to whip the voters up to vote for Bush as a “wartime leader” who can put a number of draconian laws and edicts in place to “protect the American people.” Someone in the FBI said to one of our people, entirely off the record, that quote it will probably be the Statue of Liberty endquote. There must be no speculation on this subject under any circumstances. If some rigged incident does happen and we comment on it in advance, new regulations could cause us serious problems …If this happens, it will be Rumsfeld who plans and executes it. This will give the President the usual deniability. It is more than likely that we will get some advance notice of such an action and then decisions can be made relative to going to the public. On one hand, it would be a magnificent media coup guaranteeing ratings off the chart and on the other, a death sentence… 17) The White House is now moving into a bunker mentality, very much like Nixon during the end of the Watergate business. With mounting Iraqi opposition and facing a very capable guerrilla movement, supplied by Syria and Russia, the US has run into the stone wall we all predicted. His personality will not permit the President to withdraw in good order; the neocons and the oil people will simply not let him. Bush is stuck between the rock and the proverbial hard place…serious growing unrest in the troops coupled with very low morale, growing death tolls, lack of rotation, real fear of being fatally attacked are all leading to a situation that our Pentagon source informs us could actually erupt into open mutiny. Couple all of this with the terrible economy, the insistence of the Bush people on insane tax cuts (to help out corporate America), the obvious right wing political and religious fanatics supporting the President and we have the makings of serious, probably fatal, domestic problems.
The fear is that a frantic Administration could connive at some kind of domestic terrorism if and when they perceive the President slumping badly in the polls. He already is and it looks like it might go like the economy. Today, a 65% favorite; tomorrow matching Davis’ 20%.