Case Hints at Split Between Longtimers, LatinosIn a rural county coping with big changes, five high school students are suspected of attacking immigrant workers.
By Ellen Barry and Rennie Sloan, Times Staff Writers
CANTON, Ga. — In a county where rural Georgia washes up against Atlanta's ever-expanding suburbs, police say that a group of high school boys learned a brutal trick.
Pulling up beside one of the Latino day laborers who stand by the roadside, they would offer to pay him for work. Then they would drive him to an isolated spot and beat him — with a pipe in the first case police recorded, fence posts in the second. In a third case, some of the same teenagers are accused of clambering out of a pickup truck in a dark parking lot and beating a worker with a baseball bat.
In all three cases, the victims were robbed by their attackers.
When the five high school students were arrested for assaults on Feb. 2 and 3, friends and neighbors described them as ordinary Cherokee County boys, teenagers who went to church with their families and grew up outdoors.
One of them stood out because he was notably well-connected: 18-year-old Ben Cagle, whose family owns Cagle's Dairy. Cagle's grandparents were founding members of Cherokee County's Republican Party, and the family is "huge in the Farm Bureau, huge in the Chamber of Commerce," said Linda Parker, former head of the county's Republican Party.So well-known are they, in fact, that Cagle's arrest sent ripples through the county establishment: Dist. Atty. Gary Moss recused himself from the prosecution, saying he was acquainted with Cagle's family. A short time later, two Superior Court judges recused themselves, giving no reason.
"I'm surprised that anybody of that stature would get involved," said Bill Shipp, a longtime columnist and editor who publishes a newsletter on Georgia politics.
"Having a Cagle involved, that is a real aberration. It's not part of middle-class Republicanism." more>,1,5724963.story?coll=la-headlines-nation