Not only has the Administration refused to cooperate, but by putting Phillip Zelikow on the commission and to appoint him Executive Secretary shows that the Bush Administration has from the first tried to hide, cover-up, confuse and mislead the American public as to what was known and what our security should have on the weeks preceding 9/11.
I have waited patiently for the White House, Ms. Rice and others to show they are the "Honest, Compassionate, Moral" hope For America as Mr. Bush kept reminding us during the election. My patience has worn thin.
Not only has the Administration refused to cooperate, but by putting Phillip Zelikow on the commission and to appoint him Executive Secretary shows that the Bush Administration has from the first tried to hide, cover-up, confuse and mislead the American public as to what was known and what our security should have on the weeks preceding 9/11.
From the beginning, I felt that a 6 week vacation by a new President in trying times was excessive. To find out that He, Mr. Cheney, Ms. Rice, Dr. Zelikow among many others were aware and warned of the probability not possibility of a terrorist attack and chose vacations and tax reform before our safety is inexcusable. To use 9/11 the very next day as an excuse to bomb Iraq was morally wrong. It was known before that the Saudi Royal Family had financed and abetted Al Queda and most othe other terrorist groups in the Middle East. Yet Mr. Bush chose to bomb Iraq and hug the Princes of Saudi Arabia.