had a discussion with some RW friends of mine this weekend. The very idea that there never was a connection between Saddam and al Qaeda was completely new to them. Any suggestion that contradicts what the Great Leader says is treason and a figment of the "liberal media's" imagination (and David Kay is a "traitor").
They don't really care if there were WMDs or whether Bush invaded Iraq because of "bad intelligence" (yes they bought that weaselly little lie hook, line & sinker) they still like Bush because he has "balls" and will show them furrners who's boss. Oh and in their distorted little universe, the rest of the world always hated us (insert rants about the U.N. here)
In short the RW media (esp. radio) has so addled their little brains that they can't see reality from where they are. Now bear in mind that these aren't the sort of people to read anything in the newspaper other than the sports section, and they are fed little propaganda tid-bits flavored with anti-liberal hatred that they wouldn't know the truth about the outside world if it hit them in the face.
No matter how many new revelations about Bush's dishonesty and incompetence surface, there will always be that army of ditto-morons wanting to vote for the worthless little shit because Rush & co. tell them that he's the only thing standing between them and the treasonous liberal scum (i.e. American Citizens that hold different political opinions) that want to take their guns and money and give it to welfare queens.
The hatred against fellow citizens is central to the whole charade. If they couldn't find a group for the listener to focus is hatred on it wouldn't be nearly so successful, and what better group to hate than your neighbors?