staff that was wearing a new suit today. Jeez! The guy that made that quote you posted just said that the book's publishing was pushed up so it could coincide with Clarke' testimony tomorrow. The WH shill (some undersecretary for the defense department, I think it said under his name) has to be the fifth person I've seen today that falls into the formerly anonymous category. Then you have Ms. Rice, Cheney on Rush's show, Adelman on "Crossfire", the unkempt-looking man that was on FAUX and Fiends this morning (he is the author of "Bush Country") and the assorted cast of characters that I'm sure will be on every show tonight. Right-wing talking-point overload. Clarke himself will be on Charlie Rose's show tonight on PBS.
Clarke never claimed to be part of the cabinet. And how come only one reporter asked about Ms. Rice's inconsistent comment about airliners? She said she had a briefing about them with FAA officials in June or July. (This was when she was on CNN this morning.) I can believe it, because it was the same time our beloved AG Ashcroft decided to stop flying commercial, because of threats. But, soon after the WTC and Pentagon attacks, didn't this same woman claim that "no one could have conceived of airplanes being used as weapons"? (I'm paraphrasing here, but that was the gist of the comment.) Only one reporter even asked about it?