I actually got through 1/2 hour of Rush. His biggest attack was Dick Clarkes new book "Against All Enemies is put out by Simon and Schuster who is owned by the same company as CBS. They also put out The Price of Loyalty by Ron Suskind/Paul O'neill and other books. This is a CBS conspiracy to discredit the pResident. Of course he is full of shit. Just a random sheck of the current best selling books by the authors yield:
Kevin Phillips - Viking-Penguin Paul Krugman - Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc. David Corn - Crown Publishing Group Jim Hightower - Viking Adult Joe Conason - St. Martin's Press Al Frankin - Penguin Group Ivins/DuBose - Random House, Incorporated Michael Moore - Warner Books, Incorporated
Listened to Hannity on the way home and it was wall to wall bashing of John Kerry. There was not one word supporting shrub and his term in office, only Kerry bashing. I guess the best way Hannity can elevate AWOLs stature is to try and lower Kerrys.
I didn't listen to all of their shows, God forbid, just portions. Is this all they got?