Edited on Mon Mar-22-04 09:06 PM by The Democratic Kid
We The People. Did you ever stop to think about just what that means?We Americans are given certain rights and liberties, and each of us must defend them and not look the other way or leave it up to someone else or our elected officials to do it for us.By not acting we insure that those rights will be slowly taken away from us. Each of us has a responsibility has a citizen to call,write E-mail, protest,visit and rally at our elected officials doors and hold them accountable for their actions. We can and should help them craft new legislation that will up lift our country and relieve the pain and suffering of our people. We The People have the power in all working together can create positive change for all.We failed the founding fathers and our country as a people when after 911 WE THE PEOPLE did not march and demand answers from our elected officials. WHY? The Founding Fathers created 4 branches of Government not 3,The Executive, legislative, Judicial and the most important The Citizens Branch. The way to take our country back is to go out and start talking to each other again. Form small groups. Choose a cause,become knowledgeable about it arm your selves with the truth,Then join your smaller groups with bigger more orgenized ones. Become activists and live out your full potential as an American."Politics is not about money or power,games or winning for the sake of winning.Politics is about the improvement of peoples lives, lessening human suffering, advancing the cause of peace and justice in our country and in the world" Senator Paul David Wellstone Thank You all Take care The Democratic Kid.. PS. Please read The Conscience Of A Liberal by Paul Wellstone and then tell others.