Edited on Mon Mar-22-04 10:22 PM by theHandpuppet
So I heard some Republithug mouthpiece today defend Condi Rice's non-appearance before the 911 Commission by saying it was "a matter of principle".
Okay, let me get this straight: Dr Rice has endless hours to make the rounds on TV talk shows to attack Clarke and defend Bush's non-action against the terrorist threats that culminated in 9-11... but she won't grant a even a minute before the official 911 Commission "on principle".
Yep, makes sense to me.
It must be a great comfort to the 911 families to know that Dr Rice holds to such lofty principles and that the VP would rather spend time discussing 911 with Rush Windbag than answering questions before the Commission.
This is such a total joke. Why isn't the media all over this like fleas on a dog?