July 2001:
==Jul.01 > <•X> California Senator Diane Feinstein, who is on the Intelligence Committee, warns CNN “Intelligence staff tell me that there is a major probability of a terrorist incident within the next three months.”
==Aug.29 > <•XX> FBI Headquarters rejects urgent requests from a New York agent for an investigation into the whereabouts of 9/11 hijacker Almihdhar. In response, the agent angrily e-mails “Whatever has happened to this - someday someone will die....the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain ‘problems.’”
September 4:
== > <•X> Bush’s Cabinet level advisers finally hold their first meeting on terrorism. After months of delays caused by turf wars, preoccupation with other projects, and ‘policy review’, the administration finally approves the anti-terrorist plan Richard Clarke drew up at the end of the Clinton administration. Clarke’s proposals amount to "everything we have done since 9/11," a senior administration official later admits. The new policies are not implemented until after the attacks.
September 9:
== > <•X> Defense Secretary Rumsfeld threatens to urge a veto if the Senate diverts $600 million from missile defense to counter-terrorism.
September 10:
== > <•X> Attorney General Ashcroft rejects a proposed $58 million increase in FBI anti-terrorist funding, and proposes a $65 million cut in spending for state and local counterterrorism efforts.
== > <•X> After being ignored for weeks, California Senator Feinstein contacts Vice President Cheney’s office to check on the status of urgent proposals for anti-terrorism reforms that she submitted on July 20 (Cheney heads the administration’s counter-terrorism efforts). An aide tells her that it could take Cheney another six months to get around to reviewing the material.
much more...