Since the other one has been archived and is very long, I thought I'd start a new...
DU Osama Bin Laden Pool
RULES: Please Read Before Posting--------
1. This thread is designed for the purpose of choosing the day that Osama bin Laden will be "captured," killed, or besieged and for all purposes, trapped. Each DU member can post only one time. If Osama binLaden is not in any of these conditions by 12:01 AM the day after Election Day (Tuesday, November 2, 2004) then the contest will be null and void.
2. The format will be as follows: Post the day in the subject line. Spell out the day of the week, month, day, and year, like this: Friday, April 21, 2003. Include the tiebreakers: the primary tiebreaker (the nation in which bin Laden will be found) and the secondary tiebreaker (the time of the day when he will be "caught/discovered dead"). Use Eastern Standard Time and be sure to specify PM or AM.
3. In case of a tie, the tiebreaker shall be the nation in which bin Laden will be found. In case two people come up with both the same day and same nation, the tiebreaker shall be the time of day he will be caught. If bin Laden is "captured/discovered dead" on a day where no member has predicted, the title shall be passed to the person closest to the date and time.
4. No betting. This contest is for bragging rights and the title of “official winner of the bin Laden pool” only, and whatever other gifts or honors the members, moderators, or administrators may wish to grant.
5. Members who post a correct answer and were subsequently banned are not eligible and the title of “official winner” shall be passed to second place.
Let the guessing begin, and
keep this kicked!!
DUers who have already made guesses...