Edited on Tue Mar-23-04 10:20 PM by mulethree
roughly 700 foreign bases in 60+ countries.
Some, like cuba, japan, germany are because we won some war and made the bases - essentially - part of the conditions of surrender.
They come in pretty handy like guantanamo Cuba since we can do lots of nasty illegal stuff to people and claim that it isn't illegal since its not in the US. Of course they don't follow Cuban laws either ....
Others we get as "conditions". Yes we will protect you from the Soviets, but you will have to sign this nasty contract that gives us a base, exempts us from your laws and environmental regulations, and which you will never be able to cancel.
Some are "Forward Operation Bases" Like bases in Kuwait and Quatar where we park thousands of tanks. Yes those really piss Osama off since they betray our intentions to need thousands of tanks in the Middle east again in the future for our next "regime change"
Others have no good use, the military used to think up some silly reason or another just to keep them from getting closed. But in recent times just "global Presence" or "Power Projection" have been good enough. Just to remind the locals that Uncle Sam is still watching and can blow them all up anytime they get out of line. You know, like trying to elect someone not on the approved list, or trying to keep their profits for themselves instead of using one of the approved us&allies corporations.
Edit for spell check - hmm spell check not working! OMG primitive 20th century manual spell checking! yuck