with no Plan B, and an election looming, George W. Bush, the patriotic President, has quietly decided against replenishing army funds when they run out in October:
"…Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Schoomaker told the Senate Armed Services Committee the $38 billion he has for 2004 war operations will last only until the end of September, as he spends $3.7 billion a month in Iraq and about $900 million a month in Afghanistan."
Bush last year incurred public worries over a soaring budget deficit as he sated the never-ending requests for military funds – $63 billion here, $87 billion there – and so
his advisors have now decided that it's better to let the occupying forces go broke, running out of essential supplies, so that Bush isn't perceived as plundering the taxpayer yet again. According to Editor & Publisher, a planned press conference on war costs was shelved last week, to shield leaders from embarrassment. Oh, he does plan to inject more cash, but not until months after the November elections. How the soldiers in Iraq will cope from September until then is apparently not the president's concern.