Some are already out here...the disgruntled employee (aren't they all???...and how come there weren't as that many post-Clinton books other than Judas Stepenfetchit?), not of sound mind (anyone who serves in that regime should require some detoxing and delousing) and in it for the money (as though this regime and it's raiding of our treasury isn't sufficient)...here are some observations I have and a predictions or two.
I was as riveted to the hearings yesterday as much as I had since the Iran/Contra-Ollie North and Watergate/John Dean days. The testimony was unusually candid in light of the usual beltway ass kissing and covering that goes on. Some think Albright was too light on the regime, but she showed the benchmark of where the "war on terra" had evovled during the Clinton days and where it was left off on 1/20/01...a day just as important as 9/11...and one we need to keep as a big reference date. This is the great divide in the real breakdown...how this regime totally ignored the 8 years of work Clinton did, the recommendations of the Rudman Commission (is he or Gary Hart scheduled to appear???) and the attacks that were prevented. There's a big disconect here that the media is starting to sniff at...at least those suffering through the Snotty Scotty show yesterday did.
I expect Clarke to really light a fire today...tying together the sincere attempts at taking on Al Queda by Clinton and the Neo-Con "get Iraq, get oil, get money" mentality of the Bushbots. The contrasts on how these two administrations approached the problem will be shown in its true black and white that even a freeper couldn't sweep under his hive. LIHOP is turning into reality at "best" or this regime was totally inept at worst...this is a tar baby that really is beginning to stick on this regime and their spinning is digging them deeper. Look at how many contractions we've gotten just from yesterday's testimony. Today will provide another treasure trove.
The real achillies heel of this regime is its inability to admit it makes or made mistakes or assume any responsibility. There hasn't been a shread of remorse or regret over wrong choices made or their ever-growing consequences. Instead it's blame others (Clinton is target one, but I think this dog isn't really hunting) as the facts show that 9/11 occured on Bunnypant's watch! We can never, ever forget this...and how nothing has been done to make this nation safe or free from a similar attack in the future. There hasn't been a substantial arrest (surely not on the level of what the Clinton/Reno Justice Dept. did in the wake of the '93 WTC bombings) or real look at what causes Arab militant to want to fly into buildings (dare we tread on the imperialistic/culture/religious war being waged here???). This regime even attempts to boast it's done a great job and is spinning that tune real loudly right now in attempts to drown out the outpouring of facts and results of their ineptness and arrogance.
I expect Clinton to play Strawman here...I already hear the WJ Wingnut callers claim it was his libido that pre-occupied the nation thus let Al Queda flourish (instead of shinning the light on the endless inquisition by the Wingnuts that wagged the impeachment dog). The only way I think to really squash this puppy is to have the Big Dog step forward and testify and then level both barrels at this regime. Poppy Bush didn't hesitate, Clinton shouldn't either!
I know Clinton has his book ready to roll later this summer and may be holding back for the "stretch run"...but his voice in this story has to be heard to show what responsibility is all about, and remind the many "in the middle" what intelligent leadership is all about.