I was watching the local ABC affiliate in Providence RI this morning while pressing a shirt for work. I was mainly interested in the weather outlook for the day, deciding whether to brave the elements and ride my environmentally friendly motorcycle to the office (31 degrees at 6:30... no thanks!).
Then the anchor-boy spokesmodel said a very interesting thing. I remember his words exactly, because it struck me as overt editorializing. He said that yesterday the 9-11 commission had "heard evidence that nothing could have been done to prevent the attacks on the US."
You know, we here at DU watch the live coverage on C-SPAN, or the reruns, or read the transcripts. We bounce the testimony we hear off of others on this forum, and we compare and contrast what's being said with what we have learned through our own research over the last two years. But the vast majority of Americans watch their local news at best, Fox at worst. And this is the official talking point coming out of ABC as of this morning, that the commission is hearing evidence that nothing could have been done, by bush or anyone else. I don't blame the anchor or even the local news station... I'm sure this copy came straight off the wire from the home office. NBC and CBS are undoubtedly spinning in much the same way.
My impression is that this is the very conclusion that the commission has pre-determined, but at this point, it doesn't seem to matter much what they determine. The media have already found bush inculpable (and Clinton too, in all fairness). It was all just a tragic series of misunderstandings and miscommunications, and Saddam won that round, he got us good. But we sure kicked his butt right back, didn't we? Heh-heh.
You see where this all is going. The whole thing is a charade at this point, anything Clarke has to say this afternoon will already be irrelevant. The reports have already gone out: nothing could have been done.
Short of issuing indictments, this commission will do nothing to damage the momentum of the rolling juggernaut that is the unholy PNAC alliance. Shortly after bush is re-selected in November, Syria and Iran and Saudi Arabia will be invaded by a "US-led coalition," and this time they won't even bother coming up with a bullshit excuse to do it, they'll just do it.
Time to start thinking about the revolution solution.