Edited on Mon Aug-04-03 08:24 PM by incontrovertible
In defense of my beloved country, I don't have any fondness for Bush's record, but Texas became what it is as a direct result of decades of monopoly Democratic rule, and that's just the fact. Until Bush, I recall exactly one Republican governor in my entire 34 years here.
#1 In overall toxic releases
#1 in chemical production facilities, per capita, and percentage of GDP, on the planet.
#1 In recognized carcinogens in the air
#1 in chemical production facilities, per capita, and percentage of GDP, on the planet.
#1 In suspected carcinogens in the air
#1 in chemical production facilities, per capita, and percentage of GDP, on the planet.
#1 In developmental toxin in the air (affecting brain and nervous-system development in children)
#1 in chemical production facilities, per capita, and percentage of GDP, on the planet.
Where are they taking these samples, anyway? Right next to an exhaust vent outside a Dow plant in Texas City? I live fifteen miles from a lignite strip mine and aluminum smelter, and the air's as fresh as a daisy.
Texas is big, people. We don't live surrounded by smokestacks and pumpjacks. I have a fair amount of dirt and foliage between myself and my nearest neighbor. As for Houston's air, live in the city, get what you get.
#1 Cancer risk
Ah, says who?
49th in spending for the environment
As defined by what? Per capita? Percentage of GDP? The stupefying majority of land in Texas is held by the state, the Federal government, and landowners of colossal scale. What small percentage is set aside as parklands and environmental preserves, is well taken care of. I'm sorry, but go visit Big Bend, Caddo Lake, any little town in the Hill Country, any little town in the Piney Woods, and you're not going to see a neverending, Blade-Runner-esque toxic waste dump looking like the dimmest outskirts of Houston.
Honestly, what percentage of DUers have ever set foot here, or have any intention to do so?
#1 In major discharge facilities with 575 major facilities
#1 in chemical production facilities, per capita, and percentage of GDP, on the planet.
#2 In total number of minor Nipdes facilities, about 5,700.
So who's number one?
3,000 Miles, or one third, of Texas rivers and 44% of Texas bays are polluted to the point that they do not meet the standards set for recreational and other uses.
Pfft! Says who, again? God, I could drive fifteen minutes in any direction and pull a catfish or a bass out of a creek, small pond or lake, cook it and eat it, and guess what - I'd be fine.
13 Texas lakes were covered by advisories or bans on fish consumption in 1996.
How many in New Jersey, California, Florida, Illinois, New York and Pennsylvania? Do you have any idea how many fishable lakes, major and minor, are in Texas? My brain goes into numeric seizure trying to count just those that have names, within an hour of here. Thirteen lakes? Just as a rough guess, I'd put that at about .01 percent of the total.
#1 in use of Deep Well Injectors as method of Waste Disposal
This is a good thing. Salt domes are strong enough to contain fusion explosions, and have. They exist hundreds or thousands of feet beneath the deepest water tables, and never the twain shall meet. You can either incinerate that level of toxin, encase it in concrete and dump it into an oceanic trench, or inject it into a salt dome, where it remains undisturbed for eternity. Which sounds best?
#1 in Total Number of Hazardous Waste Incinerators
#1 in chemical production facilities, per capita, and percentage of GDP, on the planet.
#1 in Environmental Justice Title 6 complaints
Filed by whom? Wouldn't have been the political enemies of the then-governor, by any chance, would it? Regardless, um, yeah, when you refine every chemical known to man, and most chemicals used by everyone else on the face of the Earth, and do so in an area roughly the size of New Jersey, that's not going to be good for that patch of land, by any stretch, but, people do need plastics.
#1 in production of Cancer causing Benzene & Vinyl Chloride
Yes, again, people do need plastics. Californians don't want to make them, so we will. You're welcome.
#1 Largest Sludge Dump in Country
You're welcome, again.
#1 in the Emission of Ozone Causing Air Pollution Chemical
You mean, um, automotive exhaust? Yeah, uh... sorry about that, I guess. We've been working on that time machine so we can go back to the early forties - when air conditioning became commercially viable, and a mass migration of people moved here for the oil - so we can build trillion-dollar subway systems beneath our gargantuan, sprawling megalopolises. Because if one thing's for sure, it's that people who live in 90+ degree heat for half the year will get out of their cars and walk the thirty blocks to the nearest light rail station. GUARANTEED.
Look, I'm sorry, and I like Dean too, a lot, but you've got plenty of national issues on which to stake the case now. This is not a festering hellpit - some of us have turned down job offers elsewhere to stay here, believe it or not - and every complaint raised about Bush's record could just as easily have been raised about Ann Richards before him, Mark White before her, and on up the long-running Democratic line.
Texas: Does a crappy job taking care of the poor refugees in the colonias.
Texas: Can't seem to get together with Mexico to clean up the Rio Grande.
Texas: Is run by dickheads who think it's more important to stick it to the Democrats in redistricting than actually fund the goddamn schools.
Texas: Will screw you to DEATH on property taxes but will be DAMNED if it's going to even CONSIDER a State Income tax.
Texas: Is still the only place most Texans will ever want to live.
(edit: changed "twain should meet" to "twain shall meet.")