I began listening to your radio show on the way home from work about two months ago. I don’t know why I would waste my time doing this but I actually have found your spin to be amusing and can only assume that that is why anyone would listen to it, to think that anyone would take it seriously is in itself humorous.
The lack of professionalism and your inability to utter complete sentences, or read material, confirms that you are clearly a manufactured commodity to add to the chorus of the right wing “big lie” machinery. I find it strange that in a competitive business you would repeatedly cite and refer to another radio host by linking yourself to Rush Limbaugh it is proof of your involvement in the above mentioned machinery. If the supplier of your daily “opinions” hasn’t informed you the “big lie” works like this:
Regardless of how ridiculous the claim (and the more ridiculous the better) as long as it is stated as fact over and over and over and by as many different voices as possible the claim either: a. is regarded as the truth b. no longer questioned c. allowed to enter into the discussion All aim to steer the conversation away from the relevant issue and distract attention from fact.
I disagree with almost everything that Mr.Limbaugh has to say but at least he has the ability to control his show, something that you evidently lack. It is also strange that you and he and all of the right wing hate machinery have exactly the same opinion everyday immediately. The criticism of the 9/11 widows for using the same common language as evidence that they are being coerced or fed lines by you and your fellow tools of the right smacks of projection on your part and the irony is unmistakable but then conservatives don’t really “get” irony.
Just yesterday (3/23/04) I listened as you and Ollie North whined about how the “mainstream media” is promoting Richard Clarke’s book and how neither of you would receive such coverage. Why anyone would believe a convicted felon like Mr.North is hard to understand unless you realize that he hasn’t changed his lying ways much, you might want to inform him before he continues to air his ridiculous claims of the press hating George W. Bush because he said that Jesus was the person he most admires that Ralph Nader was never invited to any of the debates and that leading off with that part undermines his credibility such as it could be. You yourself repeatedly try to justify the claims of Mansour Ijaz about the Sudanese offer to hand over Osama Bin Laden which has been completely discredited and was again yesterday at the 9/11 Commission hearings. I notice that Mr.Ijaz is not going to testify at that commission and is not heard on any outlet other than those of the right wing disinformation association (See “big lie” above). The reason is that he and his story are not credible but that won’t stop you and your kind from repeating (See “big lie” above).
This is just one example of what is clearly evident. If you would like to discuss this (or if you need any help reading this letter on the air) or any other topic I have included my e-mail address, feel free to e-mail me and I will be glad to call into your show (or you can call me). It could be fun for your listeners to be able to enjoy a fair and balanced discussion of any topic you feel comfortable with and have done enough research on or have your talking points handy to address. Your listeners might also enjoy some coherent thought that ability to express it. I doubt that you will take me up on this as your cover can so easily be blown by a regular guy such as me. Maybe it could become a regular segment say form 5:30 to 6:00 on a given day of the week, you can tell me the topic or you can just let me go “on the fly” thereby leveling the playing field for you.
I look forward to hearing your ever so entertaining lies this afternoon.