on Iraq and another terrorist entity would distract him? In the O'Neill book there is an account of a meeting where Bush mumbles something that strays from the topic of the meeting, and Rove tells him to focus and stay on-topic. We already know that Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Cheney wanted to get rid of Saddam years before Bush was elected, and regime change was discussed on the first days of bush 43's administration...there was a plan being formulated from day one. For 8 years this group had to hear "bush 41 should have taken Saddam out". I think politically Rove thought that getting rid of Saddam was a slam-dunk for energizing his base, and nothing....even people running down the hallways of the White House with their "Hair on fire" screaming about an imminent attack by Al Queda was going to make them deviate from their "politically correct" plan. The testimony over the last 2 days paints the picture that they were aware of the threat, but everyone thought it was an attack that would happen overseas. I think they thought that if they ignored the threats, and an attack did happen overseas, it would give them an opening to attack Iraq in retaliation. They needed something to justify an Iraq invasion. I think they figured if Al Queda bombed another overseas embassy or navy ship, a few American lives were lost, and they could tie Al Queda to Iraq in someway, public outrage in the US would be enough for them to justify an invasion of Iraq. I don't think they ever dreamed that an attack would take place on American soil, and so many lives would be lost. Doofus has never been in charge of this cluster **** administration...Rove and Cheney have, and in their eyes, Iraq was the politically rich target....not Al Queda.