They couldn't help themselves - they so despised Bill Clinton. So obsessed were they with his big ol' uncircumcised hillbilly pecker, that everything else, including national security, became secondary to them. They blocked him at every turn. They so despised him that they were willing to steal an election to make sure Al Gore, Clinton's VP, would not succeed the Slick Willy. They became irrational in their hatred. And once they were successful in getting the Boy King into office, they wanted everything with Clinton's name on it to be erased, including his terrorist policy for Afghanistan and bin Laden. Bush appeased them by doing exactly that. Then when 9/11 happened, there was no policy in place, although they now say they were working on one.
But the right-wingers are quick to point the finger of blame. It is beyond their comprehension ability to see that they have created a monster that is ready to devour America. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and their "dittohead" followers need to take a serious look in the mirror. They got what they wanted and look what happened. But don't expect them to accept any responsibility.
Even while they were crucifying Bill Clinton and demanding that their Senators and Congressmen not support his terrorist plans because he was simply "wagging the dog", attempting to divert people's attention from more important matters, like Monica Lewinsky. They still want to blame Bill Clinton.
We are reaping what they have sown and 9/11 is only a small part of it. The Patriot Act and the War on Terrorism are other parts of the right-wing garden. There are other parts still be be reaped. They have sown a crop of destruction. Today, they continue to scatter the seeds.