... hearings, to be held in DC next month?
Infiltration of the FBI's translation department by foreign spies, and an Ashcroft coverup of this infiltration, surely belongs on the agenda for 9-11 Commission hearings on "Law Enforcement and the Intelligence Community" (See the discussion in LBN at
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=102&topic_id=442067 )
Someone who's talked about this issue on 60 Minutes ought to be on the witness list.
The Commission won't release its panel member list until about April 3rd, according to
http://www.9-11commission.gov/hearings/index.htm :
"The following represents the remainder of the Commissions 2004 investigative hearing schedule:
March 23-24, 2004 Counterterrorism Policy Washington, DC
April 13-14, 2004 Law Enforcement and the Intelligence Community Washington, DC
May 18-19, 2004 Emergency Response New York City The 9-11 Plot New York City
June 8-9, 2004 National Crisis Management Washington, DC
Additional information, including times, locations, and panels, will be disseminated approximately ten days prior to each hearing. Such information will also be available on the Commissions website--www.9-11commission.gov. Hearing dates and topics are subject to change at any time.
AL FELZENBERG, DEPUTY FOR COMMUNICATIONS National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
Office: 202-401-1725 Cell: 202-236-4878 Fax: 202-296-5545"