For years it was "Commies" and Russians, now it's A-rabs and "Islamists"...without fear the GOOP has no reason to be. Look at all the phobias incorporated in this criminal enterprise...from civil liberties to free enterprise...it all scares the shit out of them and they want to scare you, too.
Let's see...somehow gays being able to get a marriage license will destroy my 27 year marriage or cheapen it...I'm scared. There are A-rabs hiding all over the place who want to kill me cause I don't believe in Mohammed...I'm scared. The Democrats want to take all my money and spend it on frivolous things like schools and health care and things that serve the common good...and I'm selfish! I'm Scared...
Look for the fear card to be played over and over again...especially if the polls continue to so south on this regime. If you thought Anything But Bush is a strong force among our side, the fear factor will be used to spin the Right Wing hive into a frenzy we've never seen...scaring them that a Kerry Presidency would be the end of the world as they know it...and here's hoping, for once, they're right.
I get the feeling the Chicken Little games of the Chickenhawks are starting to play out...especially now that their lies are coming home to roost and it's being shown how little they've done in protecting this country and making things better. Hopefully, the 60's/70's concept of "question authority" will make a major comeback this election season...the cure to the fear game.