liberal alternative to Drudge? I guess if you're liberal then no Republican is safe from slander. They don't refute his wickedly awesome testimony but they make him look like some power-hungry bureaucrat with outrageous ideas to combat cyberterrorism. Apparently if people aren't directly killed, then its not a worthy cause. Nevermind all the people who will be killed indirectly from the damage to our Defense department or all the trillions of tax dollars that could be lost. excerpts:
" Clarke is also a fierce political infighter. Anyone who survives in White Houses under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II — becoming more powerful with each administration — is a bureaucrat who knows how to serve his own political and personal interests. (This is a guy who stuffed a .357 into his belt as he strode back in the White House after 9/11 — to what end, shoot it out with Condi? give his crotch greater heft?)
Clarke is also responsible for coining the doom-laden phase "Cyber Pearl Harbor," a hobgoblin cyberterrorism threat as realistic as the 1983 computer-cum-nuclear doomsday film War Games.
Alert to Clarke (now ensconced in the comfortable groves of academe at Harvard, counting his royalties) — Hey Richard, name one person who died from cyberterrorism?
It was also Clarke who initially (and eventually successfully) sought to weaken the Freedom of Information Act as it relates to corporations. Thanks to the Department of Homeland's enabling legislation, John Ashcroft's dark propensities and Clarke's hype-vocabulary, it's going to be tougher to chase corporate do-badders via their records.
The next time one tries to chase corporate corruption, Haliburton, for example, you'll get a response, something to the effect that "No, you can't have that information because of our cooperation with Homeland Security." Kinda makes Dick Cheney feel all warm and cosy all over.
It also makes one kinda want to tell Clarke where to shove his .357."