Tenet Lets It Slip: There Are Tapes
Well, after seeing what Tony caught just now from Hesiod over at Counterspin Central, it appears today that we had our first Watergate moment. While Tenet was making it clear to Commissioner Tim Roemer that it is the National Security Council that has responsibility for taking all available intelligence and fashioning each administration's counter-terror policies, Tenet let it come out that there are transcripts and tapes of what is discussed in these meetings.
Now it goes without saying that an administration which has stonewalled the release of Cheney's energy task force meeting notes and other material will not release tapes of meetings far more important that that.
But that doesn't mean the 9/11 victims' families and members of Congress shouldn't be demanding them anyway. If the Bush Administration is so certain that they did everything possible with the intelligence they had, and that they acted on what Clarke and Tenet gave them, there should be no problem with releasing this information, right
TAPE DISPENSER: I think I may have found a means to determine who is telling the truth about the Bush administration's plans to fight Al Qaeda (or lack thereof), and who isn't.
It stems from an interesting exchange CIA Director, George Tenet had with 9/11 Commissioner Tim Roemer.
"ROEMER: You were running around saying something spectacular is going to happen. You were worried about this. You were on record from 1998 on saying you're at war with Al Qaida.
But why wasn't the United States government more concerned about those attacks on the United States?
TENET: Congressman Roemer, I'd ask you this afternoon when you get Mr. Clarke here, who was the chairman of the CSG, to go through the process of what they were looking at, actions they were tasking, how they thought about this problem. I wasn't sitting in that room.
I'd ask you to think about asking him how we dealt with this in this time period and find out what that response is.
ROEMER: So you're saying that it is the responsibility of the National Security Council...
TENET: Well, the CSG...
ROEMER: ... to develop the policy to go after the terrorists...
TENET: Sir, the CSG is a mechanism where all of these issues come into play every time it meets. What is the threat? What actions do we take?
It's a focal point for the way this government has organized itself around terrorism for years.
ROEMER: So you're saying it's them, not the CIA, that should have been attentive to this?
TENET: Well, the CIA is in the CSG meeting as well. I mean, everybody's at the table. The FBI is there, the NCS is there, CIA is there, domestic agencies are there.
Throughout this time period -- I don't have access to the minutes and recordings of what happened -- what actions were they tasking, how were they thinking about this?
ROEMER: They're going through a bottom-up review...
KEAN: Congressman, we've got to move on. We have run out of time. We've got one more commissioner.
http://counterspin.blogspot.com/This should be a major demand raised again and again by the progressive news media and on discussion boards such as DU.
Don't let it die! Release the tapes and transcripts! Let's keep hammering away on the issue. Bet there are some smoking guns in those tapes and transcripts.