Freeperville is blowing this up to damage Kerry in the eyes of RUBES.
Y'all making a big deal out of this probably watch "That 70's Show", and when Red calls Eric a "dumbass" you say to yourselves:
"Eric should go into foster care, Red should be criminally indicted for child abuse and Kitty's an enabler".
The SS is sworn to protect. They are NOT little children who's widdle feewings will be hurt by being called an SOB. Sh*t, some of them probably LIKE being called an SOB (like some women refer to themselves as a 'tough bitch'). Protection is an unfortunate necessity. Look at all the times The Twins tried to evade the SS to have a 'real life' occasionally. I think it can be frustrating sometimes to have people following you everywhere, and yes, sometimes even 'getting in your way', even if accidentally. But everyone is an ADULT and capable of doing their job. If I worked for Cheney at Halliburton and he called me a 'dipshit' one day because of some perceived foul up on my part, I wouldn't go boo hooing to the frickin' press about it. What, if Kerry calls them an SOB once too many they're NOT going to 'take a bullet' for him? LBJ probably ONLY called them SOBs!
This plays on two stooopid GOP memes;
1. the 'adults are in charge' so WE always treat the SS with respect whereas those moral relativist elitist Democraps treat everyone like shit.
2. these 'professionals' (SS, FBI, Armed Services, etc) have waaaaay more respect for us GOPers and refuse to salute, refuse to take bullets for, refuse to do our JOBS for Democraps because they are not wooooorthy of 'respect'.
IMHO, Kerry should be able to refer to them as 'Motherf*cker', 'hey you', 'yo, morAn' or whatever the hell he wants and they should do their JOBS. If they think some Presidents are more equal than others, GET A NEW JOB, *sshole! Fortunately, I think that almost ALL SS agents take their jobs very, very seriously and as a result are above this petty partisan political CRAPOLA.
Jon Stewart is being an idiot.