For this and others like it, check the Congressional Record online at for the title in 10/5/1993: THE SITUATION IN SOMALIA (House of Representatives)
"Mr. SOLOMON. I thank the Speaker.
Mr. Speaker, yesterday I spoke at length on the situation that is taking place in Somalia. I am going to do the same thing today because there are so many unanswered questions concerning this situation which is taking the lives of American soldiers today.
I am taking this special order to express my concern again, my profound concern, about the ongoing situation in that place called Somalia. The events of the past 72 hours have taken a fearsome toll: 12 American lives have been taken, 12 dead; 78 seriously wounded; and perhaps as many as 8 being held hostage in a place called Mogadishu.
Mr. Speaker, this carnage, this madness must stop. The so-called rebuilding of Somalia is not worth the price of one American life, much less the carnival of death that has been displayed on our television screens, such a despicable situation.
When American troops were first sent to Somalia 10 months ago, their mission was supposed to be humanitarian in nature and it was supposed to be short term in duration. Few Americans had any quarrel with such a proposition because we are a nation that cares about people, particularly starving people. Indeed, our troops performed their intended mission with professionalism and with skill, as they did in Desert Storm under a different kind of mission. They should have come home, mission accomplished, when that mission was completed. And it was completed.
Now they are confronted with an altogether different situation, an altogether different mission. Our troops have been thrust into a primitive and hostile environment and are now being expected to come up with the solutions to Somalia's problems, solutions which the diplomats and politicians around the world have failed to produce.
Mr. Speaker, call it nation-building, call it stabilizing the situation, call it anything you like; this new mission has nothing to do with the training that our forces have received, the equipment at their disposal, or the reasons for which they were sent there in the first place."
Repukes calling for the removal of US troops after 18 soldiers killed. Gee, weren't more than that lost so that W could parade around a memory-deficient Kelly Lynch? (Whoops, she's not so marketable since reality was revealed).