that they are the absolute last line of defense against the creeping fascism which has overtaken the country; first quietly, then by storm, and then by avalanche following the so-called election of 2000. They won't be given the freedoms to report on the sexual excesses of ensuing presidents if they are terminally muzzled and repressed during this particularly distasteful epoch in our civilization. They just don't have the luxury of wallowing the excrement of the propaganda of this adminisration and the obvious dismemberment of all which we have held dear for 200+ years. It is a travesty and an outrage that in the entire press corps, we have one 80-plus woman, 4 or 5 columnists, and a humorist who closed ranks during these awful 3 years while everyone else sat around and laughed about what was behind Clinton's zipper, and actually reported the facts and not the lies proffered to them.
All these people on the news, who later in interviews about the Vietnam War, Watergate, Iran-Contra and others always say post facto: "How were we to know?" or "Well, we were certainly surprised when..."
Well you should have known, and you should never be surprised about anything with these people - there were thousands of people telling you that you were obviously being lied to. Ignorance just isn't an excuse anymore - the Internet has made facts so accessible that there is no longer an excuse for being a moron, even if you have a 2 digit I.Q.