When will people figure this guy out.. he has been DRUNK and STONED longer than SOBER for most of his adult life.. delights in mocking the terror of a woman the POPE requested he commute to life in prison for her good works in prison!!! Buss was said to make a mousey face and put his hands in the fashion of prayer and in a squeaky voice said..'..PPLlleeeaassse, DDdooonntt KKKkkllliiiilll MMmmeeeee..Mmiisstterr BBbbuuusssshhh!!! PPPPpppplllleeeesssse!!!' I am lyved he got away with killing 152 prisoners. people whose lawyers never tried a death penalty case, were so drunk in court the judge woke them up because they were snoring and sent them home... lawyers that refused to call any of 8 witnesses..to defend and the prisoner got executed because there are no appeals in TX.
and worst of all the Death Penalty has never been proved to be punishment. no scientific evidence. it is based on religion, and when politicians promise to execute prisoners in custody if elected it is simply a BLOOD SACRIFICE to the electorate for their votes.
F'n F'n piece of stinking arrogant NEOCON sh*t. he is a sad measure of the moral stature of this country for being allowed to over throw this country and then remain in power.